Tag Archive: Gay Liberation

I’m FragileSwan. And this is WordPress.


Why is gay marriage wrong? Why is it right? Marriage brings with it certain benefits. But why? Government supports marriage, because it depends on marriage for its continued existence. Without an environment for women to bear children within the context of security and commitment, there won’t be a populace for long. No people, no government.


The continued existence of The United States depends completely on Christian marriage and family. But why, Christian? Because the US Constitution was written under the assumption that the populace governed by it is Christian, and that Christianity be the prevailing religion.


The writers of the Constitution considered a particular religion to be any distinct denomination of Christianity. No other religion existed in the Western World. Jews were not originally permitted in the US, because of suspicions that they would undermine the economy in similar fashion to what necessitated the inquisitions in Europe.


Jews were allowed to work beside Roman Catholics, but the Jews were investing their wealth outside of Europe, thereby undermining the economies of European nations. The inquisitions served to present an irresistible threat to compel Jews to not only state their true religious alliance, but also to name other Jews who were working to collapse Western economies.


The people physically harmed during the inquisitions were those who lied. Anyone who was honest was set free to pursue a living in money lending. All other occupations were reserved for Catholics.

Consequently, the spirit of the Constitution does not recognize Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Wicca, Satanism, Santeria (commonly and comically misspelled, Santa Ria), or Jedi as religions protected by US law. They could all be banned tomorrow, and it would be perfectly legal. But the government cannot ban Christianity, nor can it in any way use policy to in any way limit in any way Christian expression, regardless of who it offends.

I can prove it! All who oppose me will die! Everyone whose thoughts and/or beliefs conflict to my own, shall die! Everyone I don’t like shall die. If I mark a specific person for death, they will die. But how do I do that? I’m just a regular girl, mortal, without special powers except of perceiving the obvious: everyone shall die!

Therefore, any subset of all those alive shall also die. What if I say, “I hate blacks and they’re all going to die!” I don’t really hate anyone. I just wanted the readers attention. Those two items may both be true, but that in no way implies that one causes the other, or that they’re related at all.

I’ll give you an example. There was once a divorced man who communicated to his ex-wife: marriage is a biological function of the virgin; that the notion of a judges signature altering natural science was like a judge scribbling in green crayon on a wet cocktail napkin, I’m The Emperor of The Universe.

It’s like when a state legislature passes a bill that standardizes the answer to every story problem as, 2. That seems like a good idea to mathematically challenged judges and lawyers—who bitterly proclaimed and then went on to prove, “I’ll never use algebra in real life!”

Government lacks authority over mathematics and natural science. The blood and water from the pierced virgin prove she belongs to her bridegroom. We know this is true, because the Blood and Water released from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, as He was pierced by the Roman soldier, prove that Jesus Belongs to Rome!

So, girls should not play rough sports, or they might end up from a biological perspective, belonging to a soccer ball. The most tragic form of maiming is for a girl to harm her most valuable asset: the choicest bridal adornment.

Anyway, the divorced man mentioned concern for the health of his children, and something about the necessity of regular vehicle maintenance.

The ex-wife had a history of waiting five years between oil changes. But the ex-wife had turned bitter-feminist, because she wasn’t getting pregnant on regular basis, and so her boiling cauldron of guilt for sensual pleasure had manifested itself as pathological denial of Truth.

So, in dread of the Truth, and in search of any possible means to justify her own sin, she took advantage of the fact that any woman is legally entitled to a domestic-abuse injunction against any male, anytime, anywhere, for any reason.

She claimed that she: feared for the health and safety of her loved ones, because of communication she had recently received from her ex-husband.

The compassionate concern that prompted the ex-husband to remind his ex-wife about the importance of regular vehicle maintenance caused the ex-wife to fear for the safety of her children. But, this fear was due to her ex-husband’s words, not her own irresponsibility. She secured a domestic-abuse injunction based on that claim.

In her mind, if the court calls something, harassment, it cannot at the same time be Truth. However, Truth is Truth regardless of court findings, because government possesses insufficient authority to alter Truth. Although a statement might not be a complete lie, it is fairly easy for reprobate females to grossly twist the Truth into a weapon.

In the case of gay marriage, government does not depend on gay couples. Gay couples marry out of pure selfishness, without regard for anyone but themselves.

The reproductive system is used to procreate the human species. Gays use it purely to sate their flesh, and they utterly disregard its life-giving purpose. In other words, no children will be conceived in a man’s rectum.

Gays live for sensual pleasure and bodily comforts available during temporal existence. They live for themselves, without regard for future generations. They benefit no one but themselves, and they care about no one but themselves.

Whereas Christian couples are healthier than their unmarried counterparts, gay couples voluntarily transmit disease, thereby placing a burden on the health-care system it cannot sustain.

Gay marriage decreases the value of the nation’s currency, weakens national defense, lowers productivity, causes economic decline, and removes all purpose for human existence! No civilization could survive such a thing.

Picture yourself in a foreign nation. There is another nation on either side of your nation. The nation on the right is filled with strong men, each of whom have an extensive selection of chaste, obedient virgins for prospective brides. They are devout Roman Catholics, all of whom regard their neighbors above themselves.

On the left is a nation known for the semen that drips out the backsides of all males 8 years and up. Rather than Holy Catholic Mass, that nation’s worship services consist of a woman having an abortion, while in the back pews gay males masturbate into turkey-basting syringes they in turn hand over to lesbians who then inseminate their wives with them.

The nation on the right uses gold coins as currency. The nation on the left uses aborted-baby blood as currency.

Now, which nation should you ally to and do trade with? Which nation’s people would you consider giving your life to protect? Historically, the greatest empires have fallen by moral decay. A sense of apathy develops. Love grows cold. Good people become willing to die, if only Almighty God would rain fire from Heaven on the wicked.

Homosexuality by its diabolical nature breeds contention simply because it is so repulsive and unnatural. The light of Christ radiating from Christians illuminates guilt and corruption in the hearts of homosexuals, prompting gays to seek vengeance by teaching sexual perversion to Christian children.

Gay marriage suggests that gay couples may raise children. Every boy wants to be like his father. And there is concern that homosexuals, by their temporal view of life, may use marriage as a means to secure child sex-partners by adoption.

Presently, this reality is being projected onto normal males. MSW programs across the nation proclaim that heterosexual males naturally molest their own children.

For this reason social workers have no reservations with regard to pressuring prospective divorcees into making groundless child-molestation accusations against their husbands. In the mind of a social worker, husbands are what stand between women and children, and happiness. But two male parents who regularly ejaculate into each others’ rectums is good for kids!

Gays are not entitled to the benefits of marriage, because society in no way depends on the existence of homosexual couples. They are a demoralizing drain on every righteous person. 1,700 people were asked, “If every homosexual died and no more of them would ever be born, would that bother you?”

The only participant that answered, yes, was also the participant that answered that he/she would prefer: a working television remote-control over immortality and absolute power.

It was the same person that described the pinnacle of human experience as, having a 12-pack all to myself; the same person who deemed pornography: the single greatest invention of all time; the same participant that attended the family reunion to: get chicks.

As it turned out, the participant was a consumer of graphic girl-on-girl media content. He reasoned: certain lesbians are fun to look at.

The desire for an end to the wickedness has one of two effects:

  1. People become willing to sacrifice their own lives just to escape the godless world.

  2. People deny that homosexual activity is serious sin, and consequently become guilty of the sins they permit.

If any of my readers don’t relate well to the concept of sin, they’ll understand it better when they’re immersed in the lake of boiling sulfur.

What was Truth is Truth now, and it always will be Truth. There is One Truth. Everything else is w-r-o-n-g! Don’t worry. No one is required to like it. Truth remains, forever!

Here is a cure for gay.

I’m FragileSwan. And this has been WordPress.



I’m FragileSwan! And this is WordPress!

I’m not the best person to write about these subjects, because I can just tell if a guy likes me. It’s like a natural thing. I’ll try to explain it. I’ve written some related posts, but nothing just like this. I needed a lot of help getting my facts straight regarding guys’ feelings. Seth and MasonCide helped me. I’ve never dated. I’m waiting until I’m twenty. I’ll be looking for a husband then. There’s no purpose to dating, unless you’re ready for marriage!

I heard on EWTN that, “A date is a mutual job interview for the position of spouse!” Dating is not meant for recreational activity. But let’s start at the basics:

Physical attraction is a reproductive trait genetically programmed into the human organism. Physical attraction brings males and females together for the purpose of human reproduction. The DNA that survives into each successive generation belongs to individual offspring of parents. Parents are those people who are attracted to the opposite gender and who are capable of reproduction and who reproduce.

If a person does not have healthy reproductive traits, her genetic material is purged from the human gene pool. The DNA of God’s righteous remains within the living across successive generations.

The desire among the inexperienced male to predict whether or not a certain girl likes him, is a telltale signal that he is too young to begin reproductive activity. Males are best advised to prepare themselves financially for commitment and family.

Females are advised to seek males at least five years, and preferably ten years their seniors. No male high-school student qualifies as a marriage prospect, so the best a girl can hope to receive dating in high school is a ruptured hymen, leaving any sane girl lamenting the loss of her most valuable asset: her blood sacrifice of innocence!

The guy can’t marry her, and now she’s soiled! She failed the chastity test, so she essentially disqualified herself as a prospective bride for any man.

Rule number one: a man will not commit to a female who has had some other guy inside her reproductive tract. That’s common sense. Think about it. Every guy wants a wife he can call his own. That means every man wants a chaste virgin on his wedding night.

He wants to teach his bride the virgin’s share in the Pain of Atonement of God The Son, as he pierces her hymen and releases her blood sacrifice of innocence, while he experiences his masculine share in The Pleasure of Creation of God The Father!

Previous to 1940 A.D., most girls were bearing and nursing a man’s offspring by age sixteen years. Females become fertile at a certain age, because they were created to begin reproduction at that age.

Males are capable of siring children at a younger age than that at which they naturally begin reproduction, because they develop masculinity as a function of their own likeness to positive adult-male role models. This requires male sexual maturity during formation of healthy masculine identity.

Girls develop their identities as a function of their contrast to masculinity, which is made very apparent by the developing female body. The female mind and body mature earlier than the male mind and body, which naturally calls for an age gap between spouses! Traditionally, males have married much younger females, because, until they reach age forty, men don’t know how to behave, and young men have no appreciation for women!

People our age are drown in mass-media content that shouts, “Modern is better.” So, regardless of conventional wisdom, our generation is being shown ugliness in place of beauty, shock-value in place of worth and merit, morally bankrupt celebrities in place of healthy role models; degenerate filth in place of Art, Literature, Music and Dance; temporal pleasure in place of healthy souls, outrageous lies in place of Truth, and ignorance in place of God!

A girl can tell if a guy likes her, by allowing him to endure his masculine right of passage, part of which is developing confidence and self esteem necessary to successfully acquire a mate. If the female makes the first move, she’ll be dating a mere boy.

A female should never initiate contact with a male. If she does, it tells the male that the female can be manipulated. Males have a monstrous advantage over single females! A girl has one chance; one hymen; one blood sacrifice of innocence! A male suffers no sensual guilt, so he can mate many females, and it’s a credit to him.

On their wedding day the bride and her bridegroom bring their most valuable possessions to exchange as wedding gifts to each other. The man gives to his bride his name, that the children she bears by him shall be called blessed.

The bride gives to her bridegroom her intact hymen and her blood sacrifice of innocence. Blood and water released from the virgin, as she is pierced by her bridegroom, are the temporal reflection of which the Blood and Water released from the Heart of Christ, as He was pierced by the Roman soldier, are the Eternal Reality!

The virgin belongs to her bridegroom, and Jesus Belongs to Rome!

How can a guy tell if a girl likes him. You have to know yourself before you can understand others. After you know who you are, you’ll understand others. But there’s a good rule to remember:

Rule number two: if a guy gets turned down, there are several possible reasons:

  1. The girl was able to eliminate all possibility of the guy’s genetic material becoming part of her own children. He’s not fit to mate with her.
  2. She doesn’t feel attractive, so she assumes only desperate sex-pigs would ask her out.
  3. She’s committed to another male.
  4. Or, there’s a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.

If a guy likes a girl, he must show her. If the girl encourages the guy, it robs him of maturing into a responsible adult. After a son demonstrates to his father he is loyal, obedient, honest, respectful and worthy, the father shall choose a time to bestow his blessing: the father’s confirmation of his son’s high esteem and great worth in the eyes of God.

This is a passage into manhood. But chaste courtship and marriage teach the man confidence, persistence, resource, overcoming adversity, and devotion to another.

If an American guy wants to just test the waters, he can say to a girl, “I’d love to watch you nurse my baby.” The response will give him a pretty good idea of his chances with the girl. A girl never knows if a guy likes her, until he works up the courage to approach her.

The pretty girl next door gets more masculine attention than a supermodel. The supermodel gets attention, but mostly from gays. An average pretty girl can have total confidence in herself, because most men want a girl like her. You can do a lot of tricks with cosmetics and clothing, but whether or not a girl is all dolled up or just hanging out in the afternoon, males are equally interested.

Believe this? Men prefer natural-colored long hair on all females, just dangling, not curled, not styled, just blow-dried until slightly damp, and then air-dried the rest of the way! WHY? Males want honest brides. A girl’s hair belies her fertility. Hair dye and expensive hair-care products make a girl a liar, because she is misrepresenting her genetic code.

Guys want a girl who shows her true self: no cosmetic surgery, no excessive exercise, hair that dangles naturally, no colored contact lenses; because men are attracted to a girl’s reproductive and infant-feeding potential! Physical attraction is a genetically determined reproductive trait!

Males have a mating response to large firm well-formed pointed-up Caucasian breasts! WHY? Most girls wonder, but they’re satisfied knowing the fact, without knowing the Truth! I also took it for granted, until I was taught correctly.

Males want their babies nursed on breasts fitting the above description. Feminists and sodomites proclaim that Western culture eroticizes the female breast, because white-male patriarchal misogynists want to shame women into submission and subjugation.

They cite the phenomenon that males exhibit no mating response in areas where women are legally allowed topless in public. But those woman are ethnic. There is no strong desire within the male to see his children nursed on brown-skinned breasts.

Men experience a mating response to white breasts only. I have to explain this: If a guy sees a pair of large firm well-formed pointed-up Caucasian breasts, he wants his baby nursed on them, because breast with the above specifications produce more food than other types of breasts, giving the man’s child a greater chance to survive infancy, mature and reproduce. It is this genetic code that shall survive into the future, possibly to the end of the world, which is the whole object of mating: to send one’s own genetic traits into the future, hopefully all the way till Jesus Christ returns in Glory!

But first the guy must inseminate the owner’s fertile uterus, so there will be a baby to nurse on her breasts. Hence, the male mating response!

If a girl avoids activities that could result in hymen rupture, and she recites her daily Rosary with the intention to implore The Blessed Virgin Mother: Mirror of Innocence and Sanctity and Refuge of Penitent Sinners, to intercede on behalf of the chastity of all white females, including touching herself in a moment of temptation or coming within ten feet of a washer on spin cycle, and she says a prayer for the souls of females who died in their sins of impurity, she will find the perfect husband at the perfect time.

There’s a woman in my parents Parish. She did all of the above. When she was like 43, a guy asked her out and they eventually married. She was still a virgin. And she has the time of her life. She had 3 children, and her husband has like gobs of wealth. But they’re both not at all into the money thing.

They just have fun. They don’t allow wealth and luxury to ruin happiness. Oh, girls, and guys, a few more one-liners:

If a guy asks a girl if he can kiss her, it’s like the guy asking his mother if he can stand while he urinates!

If a guy defers to his date’s decision, she’ll want to be just friends.

If a guy wants to include his date’s input into every conceivable detail, i.e. “I affirm you in your feminine dignity and equality. I don’t know what to do first, do your hair or arrange flowers for you. Could you decide for me? I so value the feminine intuitive sense as input into my thoughts! Should we have the same color cocktail umbrellas, or should we be individuals, each choosing our favorite color!

“I so want to share our deep emotions for hours and hours, while we lay side-by-side: the position of male-female equality? I respect you for your equal dignity to the male. Oops, they didn’t bring out a tray of cocktail umbrellas for us to choose from,” said the guy, and “I hate this color. I was having a party in my loft, and the guy who scratched my ultra-gloss finished table top was wearing a shirt that color. I said, ‘Bob Bob the table scratcher! I think I’ll get you a table-scratch repair kit for your Christmas present.’

Bob said, ‘Could I look at the scratch. I am a custom furniture carpenter.’

‘This table was made by tall, slim Nordic hairdressers, not carpenters! They’re too butch to make a table like this. And anyways, the table is cleared, so I have no reference point to find the scratch. But it’s there! Did you just come over to wreck my stuff, stuff-wrecker Bob?’

“Bob said, ‘Dextress, you always get drunk and throw a fit about invisible damage to your furniture!’ “Doesn’t it infuriate you just hearing about that guy!?”

The girl said, “Which one?”

“Bob the carpenter,” said Dextress, “He always just does what he wants. It’s like he never needs anyone to help him, and everything seems easy for him. But he can’t do hair.”

She said, “Do you even want to get up my skirt?”

“I don’t know. That’s such a complicated question; so many variables. But I believe people can solve any dilemma if they each listen to the others recite a play-by-play of their last several love interludes.”

She said, “I’ve never had one.”

He said, “Your a virgin!?”

“Yes! And proud of it!”

“Please don’t ever say that, not even jokingly!”

“Why did you ask me out?”

“I confess, I’m trying to go straight, but the groupies who hang outside the support groups are butt-ugly dogs. They feel attractive only when contemplating their risk of being a rape victim. I tell them, if guys started raping girls who look like you, they’d need their own take back the night group!”

“I’ll tell you how to go straight. You must complete The Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults (RCIA). You can get caught up on the Sacraments. When you receive the Sacrament of Penance, confess any sin, in number and type, that you’re consciously aware of having committed in the past.

“When the Priest asks, “Have you made a complete confession,” if you’re withholding a certain sin from the Priest, confess it then. When he says, “Is that everything,” you say, there’s just one more thing. I confess female sensual pleasure experienced by my excessively climactic mother during her pregnancy with me.

“It’s been discovered that the purity of an unborn child must be corrupted to create a compatibility gradient between him and his excessively climactic mother’s guilt-laden womb. Otherwise, the woman’s evil would slay the child, and she’d have what has been euphemized: miscarriage. Part of the woman’s sensual guilt is stored in the fetus.

“When the child matures, he will fall under a deception: the woman receives masculine love and forgiveness from the heart of the father of her children, as he sows the masculine seed of forgiveness inside her sinful but contrite reproductive tract. The woman’s sin is bathed in the man’s forgiveness! New life created in the image of married lovers, and in the image of God Almighty, is the greatest possible manifestation of God’s Forgiveness to the woman.

“Since gays carry their mothers’ excess sensual guilt, they also desire masculine forgiveness sown inside themselves, so they try to receive God’s Forgiveness, by having some guy ejaculate semen into the rectum of the man seeking liberation from female sensual guilt.

“Here’s the deceit: children cannot be conceived in the rectum. Medical literature exist to support the rationale conclusion that semen up a man’s backside brings with it not forgiveness, but condemnation.

“However, Jesus Christ became the Perfect Living Sacrifice to atone for all sin. So, I confess my mother’s excessive climax during her pregnancy with me!”

The Priest said, “Where did you learn all that?”

He said, “It was posted on a freshman coed’s blog.”


If your sin seems bigger than Christ’s Mercy, riddle me this: “How is it possible that a psychopathic serial rapist-murderer could be sentenced to death at his own request, but while he was on death row a small community of consecrated sisters recited their daily Rosary with the intention that Mother Mary interceded on behalf the unknown, condemned and forgotten man who was to become God’s ally; A Priest of The Most High God!

Without asking, the prisoner received Forgiveness and atonement, and he felt love and forgiveness burning in his heart. The fantastic testimony he spoke from his cell was deemed by one of the guards to be straight from the Mind and Heart and Spirit of Almighty God. A Priest was called to examine the man and administer the Sacraments.

He was so taken by the profundity and depth of the prisoner’s words, he became resolute to speak to the warden on this man’s behalf. Even the Pope became involved. The Catholic Church offered to take custody of the prisoner, and to accept all responsibility for his future conduct. That was three Centuries ago, but the man did become a Priest, he did not commit another crime, and Satan was held up as a mockery before The Throne God Almighty!”

Sometimes God works instantaneously. Deliverance is complete and immediate! Other times a person might have repeated several cyclical patterns of intentional sin for thirty years. These are addicts of various sorts. 12 Step Programs offer confession of sin without subsequent forgiveness, making A.A. The primary means for habitual sinners to justify sin, and repent without admitting guilt.

12 Step programs profess an axiom of hitting rock-bottom before the addict will reach out for help. A lot of heartbreak is caused by addiction, so I ad this little part. People become addicts because their lives suck. Their neurotransmitter balance denies them sensations of reward, so they deviate to sin. Commission of sin causes neurotransmitter levels to spike, producing euphoria followed by a cataclysmic plunge perceived as guilt!

Since the pre-addiction chemical balance was sufficiently defective that the individual considered his life worth living the way it was, he explored his local environment to find a remedy. But sin turns against the sinner after a short time. Those drawn to addiction are incredibly durable survivors.

God covers fools with a hand of protection, so they can reach an emotional pit in comparison to which their intolerable pre-addiction condition becomes an attractive alternative. Addicts need to experience emotional distress, the future threat of which enables them to tolerate a marginal existence.

The Defeatist Prayer

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

That’s not a prayer! It’s a cry for help from those who settle for a little, because they’re failures. Try this prayer:

The Absolute-Power Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I have served You faithfully.

I ask as Your pure virgin daughter,

For Your Love, Forgiveness, Guidance and Grace.

And I implore thy Mercy bestowed in excess upon me,

That I have an intact hymen on my wedding night,

And for the Grace to avoid touching myself impurely,

During moments of temptation.

May I always be a chaste and holy example

To all white females.

May I have fabulous wealth and outrageous fortune,

Without the slightest pretension,

Liberated from love of wealth

And from undo respect for persons.

I’m FragileSwan! And this has been WordPress!

I’m FragileSwan! And this is WordPress!

Seth brought my Christmas presents over today. MasonCide also, but one of Seth’s gifts really touched my heart—a gold chain and locket with a picture of me on one side, and The Christ Child and Mother Mary on the other. He said, “When you get married, you can put inside pictures of you and your husband.”

I said, “Are you ever going to ask me?!”

He said, “Ask you what?”

I said, “To marry you!”

“You’re a child! I dare not! I mean, you’re a spectacular creation, and Millennia past you would have wed before age seventeen, and I’d love to watch you nursing my babies on your ample breasts …”

“Wait!, you’d have to get me pregnant first! That’s means you want to perform the marital act on me during my fertile cycle! I could finish high school while I’m pregnant! ASK ME!!”

My mom yelled, “Fragile!, quit bothering Seth! I’m sure he’d like to marry you, just like every other guy, but he’s being polite and civilized.”

Seth yelled back, “Thank you Mrs. Swan,” and to me, “Please trust me. You’ve got a little growing up to do. I’m not leaving town any time soon. You’ve become a practiced writer. You’re ahead of yourself in that area. So, let me give the world a Christmas gift through your talent.”

And this is what he said:

Having applied my gifts to this end, I have discovered the cause and cure for gay—excessive female climax (sensual pleasure) during pregnancy produces offspring that mature to develop same-sex attraction. These children were made repositories for their mothers’ surplus sensual guilt, as a means to survive in the womb. They became the embodiments of original sin!

An unborn child would ordinarily die in the womb of a mother that experienced excessive climax during pregnancy, because female consensual sensual pleasure is original sin. The intrinsic innocence of a child in the womb would cause it to die in response to its mother’s sin. So, sensual guilt is placed in the child’s heart to corrupt it with sin. The child thus is made compatible to his mother’s womb.

Originally, homosexuals were burned, to kill pathogens and to take original sin to the grave. As civilization progressed and advanced, surgical castration offered survival to their immortal souls.

In 1959 A.D., The Roman Catholic Church informally ceased its teaching that female sensual pleasure is sin. That deceit gave license to every other form of godless perversion.

Occult practitioners—clinical psychologists, medical doctors, and therapists—proclaimed that female sensual pleasure is not only legitimate, but should be encouraged! Pagan sex rites in which males employ special maneuvers to increase the woman’s marital pleasure, have produced many offspring afflicted by same-sex attraction!

Satan entered the Roman Catholic sanctuary to destroy the world. Failure of the Church to teach Truth—the human female does NOT naturally experience sensual pleasure—is the lynchpin in Satan’s master plan to eliminate the human race! Emasculation is a strong satanic fortification of the jezebel demons, giving the kingdom of darkness a fortress.

Females are promised liberation from sensual guilt, through emasculation of males, producing a theoretical increase in the relative masculinity of women. But how does that work? Masculine males suffer no sensual guilt, because males were created to naturally experience sensual pleasure.

The female watches the male and tries to be like him, because he can have relations with any number of women, and he won’t experienced even the slightest guilt! But forgiveness comes through true masculinity, not imitation. If she doesn’t have a masculine endowment, she will never be masculine!

So the next thing she tries is emasculation. Without masculinity, there is no Truth. Without Truth, female sensual guilt can be justified and quietly destroy the world! The limit to evil is masculinity. All evil comes into the world through the female!

So, now we have a bumper crop of those afflicted by same-sex attraction. Male homosexuals must receive the Sacrament of Penance and confess the excessive climax—original sin—experienced by their mothers during pregnancy.

The male homosexual is seeking forgiveness for female sensual pleasure, the guilt for which was imparted to his heart during his gestation in his excessively climactic mother’s womb! The male places his intimate gift of masculine love and forgiveness inside the guilt-laden but contrite female. From the woman’s contrition for sin bathed in the man’s forgiveness rises new life! What more profound expression of God’s Forgiveness could there be than new life created in the image of married lovers, and in the image of Almighty God.

The homosexual male seeks the same means to forgiveness, but by an unnatural entrance. There exists sufficient medical evidence to preclude the possibility of pregnancy in the lower digestive tract, so the male homosexual suffers under deceit! The male cannot receive through the man’s issue, forgiveness for female sensual pleasure!

He must receive the Sacrament of Penance and confess his sins plus his mother’s sin of excessive climax during pregnancy.  Jesus Christ is faithful to forgive all sin, even, if confessed, the homosexual male’s mother’s excessive climax during pregnancy! After the Priest grants absolution, the homosexual male no longer has need for masculine forgiveness that way. He is forgiven by Christ.

If he avoids the even the near occasion of sin—contact with other homosexuals—and finds a chaste bride to bear and nurse his offspring, he will be attracted to females!

The lesbian seeks acquisition of masculinity as a means to liberation from sensual guilt. But a female must NOT confess to a Priest the sin of female sensual pleasure, because she can become an occasion of stumbling. Priests have no outlet for the strong male emotional response to hearing a woman confess the sin of sensual pleasure.

The homosexual female must be domesticated through childbearing and housework. She must become respectful, compliant and appreciative, and subjugate herself to her husband! She can say to her husband, “I’ve been a naughty girl. I need a firm masculine hand!”

That will motivate the man to place his most intimate gift of masculine love and forgiveness inside the woman’s contrite fertility. When the woman conceives, she receives God’s Forgiveness, subsequent to which she will be attracted to males!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Christ wants you cured!


I’m FragileSwan! And this has been WordPress!