I’m FragileSwan. And this is WordPress.


Biologically, humans are:


  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • SubPhylum: Vertebrae
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Genus: Primate
  • Species: Homo Sapien—Human Being



Humans are mammals. Biologically, mammals are warm-blooded animals that normally have body hair or fur coats to conserve heat. The mammalian male pursues and mates the female of like species, together in a solitary pair, only when the female is fertile. The male performs a single mating act after which the female conceives offspring.


Mating activity places mammals in an extremely vulnerable situation, so it is practiced in nature only for its intended purpose: reproduction. Some people don’t like that the reproductive system is for reproduction, but that’s OK. Research studies done on animals in captivity demonstrate not that perversions of use of the reproductive system exist in nature, but that perversion similar to that of prison inmates pervades across primate species lines.


The human being is no exception to biology. Homosexuality is not acceptable, because conception in the lower digestive tract is not possible. There are a number of anatomical and physiological reasons for this. But it’s also intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. And, there is a cure for gay (link at the end of the article), cementing it in the category of sexual perversion!


No one really wants to be gay, so there presently exists no reason for anyone to remain gay. The mammalian male will not naturally mate the same female until after the female gives birth and nurses her offspring to weaning. In the case of humans, if the virgin conceives by the man, yet she knows only the female’s share in the Pain of Atonement of God The Son, but not the man’s natural share in the Pleasure of Creation of God The Father, the virgin does not sin, because God imputes no guilt to the innocent in her suffering.


The Blessed Virgin Mother—Mary Most Holy—conceived without subsequent stain of pleasure. She loved housework more than sensual pleasure, and so she proved herself the most beautiful among women in God’s sight; worthy to become Mother of God! We’ll come back to this.


In Tertullian’s translation of the Genesis creation story, the first girl—who had just been created the day previous—became frightened when night fell. She had conceived of her virginal agony, but noticed that the man seemed to have a quite different experience to her own. The first female was probably created with the physical maturity of a fifteen-year-old, because that’s the age human females naturally begin to reproduce. The Virgin Mary was roughly the same age when she conceived The Christ Child.


The first girl had no reason to believe that the day would return. She probably feared death if it didn’t. She reasoned, ‘God has favored the man. He was given ecstasy but I reaped only suffering.’


It is the genesis of all sin: human comparisons. Comparisons give doubt to one’s worth as a unique and priceless creation in the eyes of Almighty God. Saying, “I wish I was like him/her,” is telling God, “I wish you would have Created two of that other person and none of me!”


Doubt in God’s goodness opens the door to fear of the unknown, because without Divine Love there is only denial and/or fear.


But the woman took a unique approach to this dilemma. She grasped the sleeping man’s endowment to give her security. It was her emotional rock. This was the same masculine endowment of which God had said to the female,


“You shall not even touch the man’s masculine endowment, lest you surely die and all of mankind after you!”


The woman had conceived the previous night. In the Tertullian Genesis story, the forbidden apple is more accurately: a green apple with one juice sweet and another juice bitter. This is the man’s glans penis when viewed through the emerald lens of penis-envy. The snake tempting the woman was the man’s masculine endowment.


The woman ( her conscience ) had a conversation with the snake (the man’s endowment). ‘Did God really say, “You shall never partake of the man’s masculine endowment?” ‘


‘No! I may take part of the man’s masculine endowment only when I am fertile and supine, in a single marital act performed on me by the man in the position of conquest. That is how I learn my place in relation to the man! But The Lord God Almighty has warned of the seed of deceit, “Of it you shall not partake, nor even touch it! For in the day you do, you shall become mortal, to die, eventually, and all who come after you!” ‘


The woman said to her conscience, ‘I won’t surely die! NO! God knows that in the moment I learn the man’s share in the Pleasure of Creation of God The Father, I shall know both the Pleasure of Creation of God The Father and the Pain of Atonement of God The Son—both good and bad, both pleasure and pain; I shall have eaten from the primordial Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. I shall become like God, knowing good from bad.’


So, the girl went to assume the position of conquest over the sleeping man, a position of which God had said to the girl,


‘You shall not assume the position of conquest! Yours has been given to you—the position of surrender!’


So, the girl disobeyed her conscience, stole seed from the man, and stole pleasure from God! And behold, the fair world did on its starry pole return (morning came). The man and the woman cast their eyes over the splendid morning-twilight vista. And the woman saw that she was naked!


But the stolen seed had only promised life. It was the seed of deceit sown by the snake in the woman’s unborn child’s garden of paradise. The sleeping man’s seed sown by the woman inside her already impregnated womb caused genetic mutation in her unborn child; specifically, the genes that cause immortality were mutated, so that the child was made mortal, to die, eventually!


His mother had murdered him. Hence, Cain inherited this trait from his mother, Eve, and later slew his brother, Abel. In the modern world we can look at this backwards. The woman’s sin of sensual pleasure is the antithesis of receiving Holy Eucharist. On the one hand, the woman is able to learn sensual pleasure only as a function of unnatural mating—when conception does not occur. Violation of nature produces genetic mutation in the woman’s offspring, which causes eventual death to everyone.


If the woman mates naturally, she will not experience the man’s pleasure—pleasure forbidden the female—and her children will be immortal! Meantimes, Holy Catholic Mass provides Holy Eucharist, which restores immortality to the soul. So, that’s what I mean: The woman’s marital pleasure is the cause of mortality, but Holy Eucharist causes immortality. Therefore, they are the antithesis of one another.


The water released by the virgin, as she is pierced by her bridegroom, consecrates her marriage bed for creation of new blessed life in her holy and chaste womb.


The blood released from the virgin seals the blood covenant of marriage between God The Father, Who gave the virgin her blood sacrifice of innocence and sealed it safely behind the virgin’s bridal adornment;


The virgin’s bridegroom, who assumes the position of conquest over the surrendered virgin, and sends his invading army—an army by which the virgin shall conceive—into her fertile but unexplored intimate territory;


And the virgin, whose blood sacrifice of innocence atones for sin held as genetic mutation in the man’s reproductive chromosomes!


The blood and water released by the virgin, as she is pierced by her bridegroom, are the temporal reflections of which the Blood and Water released from the Sacred Heart of Christ, as He was pierced by the Roman soldier, are the Eternal Realities! Therefore, the virgin belongs to her bridegroom, and Jesus Belongs to Rome.


Of the empirical (fundamental to existence, cannot be further subdivided for analysis) principles of atonement and belonging there can be no further evidence, for once proven by self-evident Truth in both Heaven and on earth, further proof violates common sense!


Which reminds me, the logical extrapolation of specialization takes us on a plot in which persons are learning more and more about less and less. Specialists contrive elaborate labyrinths of circular logic that not even they can find their way out of! And this is the great downfall of man, for the end result is that everyone will know everything about nothing! I think we’re pretty much there!


The virgin’s blood sacrifice of innocence is an atonement sacrifice. The man’s seed when passing through the virgin’s atonement sacrifice is rendered the flawless (sinless, unmutated) genetic material of God The Father, making the virgin’s child a direct genetic descendant of God!


The spiritual element of human DNA is the soul. The spiritual element of flawless DNA is The Holy Spirit: God’s Soul! The natural-born Sons of God—born to mortal women—share Souls with God The Father, producing for Them Full Communion with Their Heavenly Father, yielding an Inheritance of All Truth; and the derivative: Absolute Power over the physical realm.


It is perfectly valid to assume that genetic mutation is caused by sin, and the death mutation has not been found, because it is universal. But now it can be found: the immortality gene! You just take a virgin, find her a husband, let him get her pregnant, so she conceives of her share in the Pain of Atonement of God The Son, as the man releases the virgin’s blood sacrifice of innocence and sends his invading army into the virgin’s unexplored intimate territory.


After inseminating the virgin’s fertile uterus, the man should use patience, because the virgin cannot get more pregnant than what she already is, so further relations with her show only lack of faith in God’s Promise: new immortal life in the image of married lovers and in the image of God!


If we consider medical testimony on this point we can observe that doctors recommend intimate relations after conception has occurred, which is another way of telling people that they should eventually die rather than live forever! Also, doctors view lack of climax in women as a disorder, but that’s another way of saying that if women do not continue to be the route via all evil enters the world, they require medical help! Which begs the question, “Are doctors the antichrist!?”


Back to the test case. After the woman gives birth, map the baby’s DNA, and find the gene that is different than every other person’s DNA. That will be the immortality gene! Not so difficult.


But how can the natural-born Sons of God control the physical laws of nature? Standing between mortal man and conforming physical reality to his own will is ignorance of how to conform nature to the will. The degree of the ignorance of any single individual is proportional to that person’s denial that man is naturally able to control the physical laws of nature as a function of will; for in Truth they are the same.


In essence, if the virgin has relations with the man only when she conceives, but never otherwise, her child will be a natural-born Son of God Who will rule the world with an iron fist. Theoretically, given the simplicity of the tenet, there could be a great number of such God-men in the world today.


Satan is clearly attempting to deprive humanity of all knowledge regarding the virgin’s blood sacrifice of innocence. Vociferous critics of God-Ordained Nature craft intricate lies, hoping to destroy the world! Infamous is the tactic born of the pit of wickedness: not every woman has a hymen, so equality dictates that we forgo the whole immortality and Absolute Power thing, because otherwise it’s not fair!


I say, what a strange assessment; perfection in ignorance and stupidity! The women who do have a hymen should take advantage of it and bear immortal natural-born Sons of God—direct genetic descendants of The Almighty God! Those who would find fault with that are children of Satan! They seek evil for the good that may come of it!


They seek to conceal fantastic knowledge that will free mankind from limitations presently imposed on human intellect and achievement! I simply do not understand! The keys to immortality have been discovered! But disgruntled ne’er-do-wells just want to complain about it, even to the point that one person said (s)he would be willing to give up the right to free speech, if only abandoning the Constitution could silence me!


I pointed out that without free speech there is no freedom of the press. Without freedom of the press, the police are free to kick in anyone’s door at 3:00 am and beat a confession out of the homeowners! Boy! That really seems worth it to me! Transform the nation from a bastion of liberty; a beacon that speaks to the rest of the world, “While there exists the Nation Under God there is yet hope!”, into a tyrannical dictatorship in which the mighty slay the weak out of arrogance, and females become just one more standardized medium of exchange!


“Do not despair! The most powerful nation that has ever existed is the fount of Truth, Justice and The American Way! No despot tyrant shall remain, unless he’s a black ruling black-African people. Then, we’ll just leave him alone to get blasted on hard drugs, rape little girls; cut fetuses out of pregnant mothers, for use in ritual human sacrifice; and to torture his enemies to death in the basement of his state house!”


Abortion is Satan’s primary means to slay the Sons of God, since many girls who fall victim to state-licensed sorcerers of medicine are virgin’s who conceived after a single marital act, and then have no further relations with man. Is there any clearer evidence that abortion doctors are the spawn of Satan!?


And that is why the minions of evil—leftist ideologues hell-bent on transforming the world into a cesspool of moral degradation—support sorcerers using a cold surgical-steel phallus to make death to the aborteresses, transforming the loving refuge of a mother’s womb into a sacrificial altar! If anyone would disagree, please address my words only, and not me as a person.


Abortion is the human race committing genocide against itself!


For Truth is independent of its voice. It matters not who speaks Truth, but only that it is Truth. Mary Most Holy was told by the Angel Gabriel—Messenger of God—that she would conceive and bear a Son, and His Holy Name shall be called Emmanuel, translated as, “God with us.”


Mary said, “How can this be? I have not known man!”


The Angel said, “The Almighty God shall overshadow you, and you shall conceive by The Holy Spirit.”


Mary said, “Be it done to me according to Thy Word.”


Mary did not realize that all chaste virgins conceive by The Holy Spirit. The Angel required Mary to have relations with her husband, Joseph, on her wedding night—in traditional Jewish culture the wedding night is during the bride’s fertile time—but then to leave her honeymoon until she was showing, at which time Jewish law forbids any man to even look at a woman with carnal designs, and how much more to have relations with her!


The Angel had told Mary, “And now your cousin, Elizabeth, who was called barren, is with child and is entering her seventh month.” Mary knew that her cousin was in her eighties and would most surely lose her child during her last trimester under the heavy burden of housework.”


Mary was in her bridal chamber—traditionally the bride’s bedroom in her father’s house—awaiting the arrival of her bridegroom, Joseph! To remain pure, the bride always departed the wedding feast at the end of the meal while her bridegroom remained behind drinking wine with his guests.


When the guests allowed him to leave, he would return to his bride and marry her. This gave each bride several hours to purify herself in anticipation that she would conceive of her pain of atonement and her blood sacrifice of innocence—a blessed child of her holy and chaste womb!


Joseph arrived in Mary’s bridal chamber, got ready for bed, and turned toward Mary! Mary said,


“I must tell you I have already conceived by The Holy Spirit. This is what the Angel of God told me!”


Joseph, fearing what horrible calamity would befall the man who dared have relations with The Mother of The Son of God, quickly devised a plan that covered the complex mix of interests involved!


Mary’s father was expected the following morning. A Jewish bridegroom was to hand the bridal napkin—showing his bride’s mark of innocence—to the bride’s father, and shake his hand, to signify that he found nothing indecent in the woman, sealing the marriage covenant from a civic standpoint. Indecency was grounds for the bridegroom to return the bride to her father and take a different virgin to wife.


But Joseph feared to release Mary’s blood sacrifice of innocence, to put her mark of innocence on the bridal napkin. So, the young couple agreed that Joseph would call off the marriage and quietly take Mary into his house as a maidservant, after the wedding guests had been dismissed. Jewish weddings lasted one week during that time.


The marriage was considered the marital act. A wedding and a marriage were totally different things. Ordinarily, the bride’s father would bring his daughter’s bridal napkin to the wedding hall, and show it to the guests. With assurance that the bride was pure, everyone partied down in ecstatic celebration of the holy and blessed child who would be conceived of the bride’s chaste and fertile purity!


They did this not just for The Christ Child, but for every child born of a pure sacrifice. It was usual that a man would sire children by the maidservants of his household, so it would be nothing upsetting to the people if Mary was pregnant but not married. As long as she was subjugated to God-Ordained Masculine Authority she would not bring evil into the world.


Joseph proved himself worthy to be father to God, because he is the ideal husband: willing to care for Mary, take her into his house, and demand nothing from her. If, as the Roman Catholic Church contends, Joseph had resolved to divorce Mary quietly, the story loses its primary message of God’s ideal in spouses and marital relationship. But those aren’t the first things I’d rely on the clergy and Bishops for analysis.


Maidservants were like wives, except their children became slaves. The sons of the legitimate, legal wife became heirs. This is the entire bone of contention between Arabs and Jews. Jacob is Israel, the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. He is the son of Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham and the legal wife, Sarah; Isaac is the fruit of God’s Promise.


Because Sarah doubted God’s Promise that she would bear a son (she had been childless all her life), she gave her maidservant to her husband that he might sire an heir by her! Hagar the Egyptian bore Abraham a son, and Abraham named him Ishmael.


In modern renditions of the story, Abraham enters a tent with Hagar the Egyptian. He has relations with her and then leaves her alone. He sheepishly and shamefaced walks by Sarah who appears jilted. But that is more of Satan’s influence in media content!


It would not have been at all unusual for Abraham to have relations with Hagar the maidservant. Sarah would have lamented only that Abraham’s heir was destined to be a half-breed. Satan twists every little thing to Their own advantage. Satan’s goal is to destroy the human race with as much suffering as the organic body can tolerate!


If a husband is honest with his wife, she can trust him. So, Abraham said,


“I will do as you have requested. I will sire a child by your maidservant.”


That was a big load off of Sarah, because she failed to produce an heir for Abraham! Abraham had no problem successfully inseminating Hagar’s fertile uterus, so the problem was not with him! After Hagar conceived, Sarah could live out the remainder of her days with peace of mind. Women need to understand that they become attached to one male, but the male is Created by God to mate several females at least!


That doesn’t mean the woman should mate multiple males, because the female is Created to mate one man for life. The female that has more than one living mate suffers unimaginable estrangement from herself. She destroys herself!


Neither Jew nor Arab contends about the factual origins of their races. They both subscribe to the same doctrine. God came to Abraham and said, Sarah shall conceive and bear a son, by this time next year.”


And it happened. Isaac was born to Sarah!


God said, “My Blessing shall be upon Isaac. But since you have implored My favor also upon Ishmael, I shall give him 12 kingdoms: a mighty nation. But My Inheritance will still be through Isaac!”


The nation of Islam came out of the root of Abraham’s son, Ishmael.


So, Jacob is the son of Isaac, and Jacob became Israel. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, said, “No son of mine shall share his inheritance with the son of a slave girl.” Therefore, she gave Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, three days ration of bread and water and cast her and her son into the wilderness. For it is written,


“Cast out slave girl and son together. For the son of the slave girl has no inheritance with the legitimate son.”


Long ago there were blood feuds between rival brothers of the same paternity but different maternity. That is, the same father but different mothers. As a man aged, his brides became more attractive, because he could afford to pay more. But, the man would always make his heirs the sons of the youngest, most beautiful wife. So, heirs changed each time a fresh virgin bore a son.


Consequently, the older brothers would wage war on the younger heirs, killing them and becoming heirs instead of the dead sons. This was intolerable, so God said,


“The sons of the man’s first virgin shall be his heirs, for they are the first fruit of the man’s seed. The first virgin shall be the legitimate wife!”


But God did not place a limitation on the number of virgins a man was permitted to defleur. Arabs are stuck back in the blood-feud days of olde, thinking they can just slaughter all Jews and then gain God’s Inheritance. But God’s Inheritance was taken from the Jews by Jesus, Who gave it to the pagan Romans in response to the Jews handing Him over to execution!


The Roman Catholic Church now holds God’s Inheritance, but The clergy and Bishops have no idea what God’s Inheritance actually is. So, MasonCide has it now! It’s exactly what I’m describing in this post: Immortality and Absolute Power: The Holy Grail.


The difference between MasonCide and The Freemasons, or The Knight’s Templar is that MasonCide sought The Holy Grail for no other reason than to find Truth. Therefore, his eyes were opened, and he did behold the keys of knowledge to unlock the barriers to Immortality and Absolute Power. But a man can only do so much as to give this gift to his children. He cannot use hidden knowledge to bring to himself what man has searched to acquire, for Millennia without ceasing!


This post describes The Holy Grail! You can give it away, but you can’t use it yourselves! It’s a sound commentary on avarice! And, God will surely destroy the Arabs for what they are doing.


So, the Angel of God had to find some way to entice Joseph to have relations with Mary, just once, so Mary’s atonement sacrifice could render Joseph’s seed the flawless genetic material of God The Father, so Mary could conceive a direct biological descendant of Almighty God. But then the Angel must prevent further intimate contact between the two. For if Mary were to learn pleasure forbidden to the woman, The Christ Child would suffer genetic mutation, and be born an ordinary mortal.


Mary was the most beautiful woman in God’s sight! For this reason the Angel was relying on the fact that Mary would make haste to do her cousin’s housework for three months rather than remain in her honeymoon suite to learn sensual pleasure with her newlywed husband.


The Angel came to Joseph in a dream, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary unto yourself as your wife of flesh and blood! God wants you to have your wife; for what has been conceived in her is of The Holy Spirit (Trust in God’s Word)!”


So, Joseph awoke from his sleep, put the bridal napkin in place, and took Mary unto himself as his wife of flesh and blood! At daybreak, Mary made haste to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, to perform Elizabeth’s domestic tasks for the next three months.


Mary became the Mother of God, because she preferred housework to sensual pleasure. That describes the ideal woman in the eyes of God! Mary gave her atonement sacrifice for The Christ Child, so that He might one day give His Atonement Sacrifice—The Perfect Living Sacrifice—for His Mother, and for the whole world!


Because the female experiences forbidden pleasure, but the man experiences pleasure as a function of nature, mathematically; f(nature)=(the man’s pleasure); the woman suffers sensual guilt, whereas the male does not. This is the essence of the feminist illusion of male-female equality: equal freedom from sensual guilt!


But there can be no such thing, because sensual guilt is a function of human genetic programming unique to the female. Gender identity is fixed as a function of genetic programming. It is of little account how a person feels about his/her gender identity, because gender confusion is also an illusion; deceit propagated by demonic influence. You don’t find gender confusion among those who practice Roman Catholicism as prescribed according to Roman Catholic Doctrine.


If a person has a penis, he is a he, and is therefore male. If a person does not have a penis, she is a she, and is therefore female. No further need to analyze the matter, because God has defined what cannot be altered by force of mortal will! Hermaphrodites are mythical, like Unicorns. Although, the leader of North Korea did release a report confirming that a Unicorn was found there!


The counterfeits for liberation from female sensual guilt are by overall classifications:


  1. Defilement and/or elimination of masculinity promises females a higher rev on the relative-masculinity meter. Males suffer no sensual guilt, so the promise of greater relative masculinity equates to the promise of liberation from sensual guilt. The following is an incomplete list of activities to accomplish this:
  • Female-filed civil-divorce lawsuits against unwilling males
  • Urinal banning
  • Feigned feminist-hysteria at the slightest hint of authentic masculine expression
  • Seated male urination
  • Homosexuality
  • Discouraging boys from any activity girls are not equally good at
  • Improper gender sense in the selection of toys for children
  1. Acquisition of masculinity theoretically eliminates female sensual guilt, because males suffer no guilt for sensual pleasure:
  • Allowing girls rough play, especially on boy’s teams, which at the least sacrifices a girl’s dignity, if not destroying her bridal adornment entirely.
  • Male attire on women
  • Mothers in the economic workforce
  • Females in positions of authority over males (Saint Paul warns, “No woman should ever be placed in a position of authority over any male, save a mother and her sons!”)



Original sin is the woman suffering pleasure forbidden to the female. Many people use the saying, “Eve said ‘NO’ to God. But Mary said ‘YES’ to God! That means Eve mated against nature and learned pleasure forbidden to the female. But Mary, though she conceived by the man, knew only suffering, and so she said ‘YES, I will obey God and Nature!’


Mother Mary, though she conceived by the man, yet she did not sin, because she knew only the virgin’s share in the Pain of Atonement of God The Son, but never the man’s share in the Pleasure of Creation of God The Father. Therefore, God imputed no guilt to Mary; for God holds harmless the innocent in her suffering!


Isn’t that beautiful!


Out of sheer wickedness, the minions of evil seek to defile the beauty of innocence!


There is an implication of Mary’s innocence: “She traveled to the hill country of Judah to visit her cousin, Elizabeth.”


So what? Well, the people at the time of Christ identified the route as bandit-ridden foothills, hardly fit for a sixteen-year-old girl to travel alone. But she was totally innocent, knowing only the virgin’s share in the Pain of Atonement of God The Son, but never the man’s pleasure. Therefore, evil could not harm her!


This leads us to: What is the scientific explanation for Jesus’ two distinct natures, one human and the other Divine? Mary’s atonement sacrifice atoned for sin held as genetic mutation in Joseph’s reproductive chromosomes, yielding the man’s seed the flawless genetic material of God The Father, making Jesus a direct genetic descendant of Almighty God!


The spiritual element of Jesus’ DNA was The Holy Spirit. The spiritual element of everyone elses’ DNA is The Holy Spirit wounded by the woman’s forbidden pleasure—unnatural mating—the guilt for which is passed by genetic mutation to the woman’s children!


The woman’s illicit pleasure makes her body the antithesis of Holy Eucharist. The former brings with it mortality upon the immortal. The latter restores immortality to those made mortal by the woman’s unnatural act! You say, “Unnatural!?” Yes, if the female is mated only when she is fertile but not otherwise, she will never suffer the pleasure forbidden to the female!


To combat female sensual pleasure, The Sacraments were instituted by Christ. Baptism prepares the soul by marking it as belonging to God Almighty, and removes spiritual bondage that results from original sin (female sensual pleasure). Subsequent to Baptism, an individual may receive Holy Eucharist, restoring the individual to immortality.


When a Catholic Priest, duly ordained by an authentic Bishop, consecrates Holy Eucharist, the wheat DNA undergoes a change in substance called: transubstantiation. The dynamics of transubstantiation were described by Saint Thomas Aquinas in his landmark publication, The Summa Theologica, OR, The Sum of All Knowledge. But that was in the 1200s A.D.


Granted, it is a very large book: 3,000 pages in 8-point typeset (2.10 million words), which Saint Thomas wrote with an inkwell and quill pen. To this time in history, transubstantiation has been described as follows: the bread species and the wine species undergo an invisible change in substance.


Everything must come to an end, and it’s the same with the above description. It is only invisible because the DNA molecule cannot be observed in detail. If we knew where to look on the DNA strand, and we had light microscopes powerful enough to magnify molecules, we could see the DNA change as the Priest or Bishop speaks the proper words!


So, the distinct natures of Christ came from the temporal DNA molecule and the spiritual element of Christ’s DNA—The Holy Spirit. But now it gets good. The only part of Christ that could fit in a piece of bread and also be considered His whole body is His DNA. It’s the genetic material of God The Father. It’s spiritual element is The Holy Spirit. That’s the Holy Trinity!


So, God The Father, God The Son, and The Holy Spirit are all truly present in the Holy Eucharist! Isn’t that exciting! But wait! If the seed of Mary became part of Jesus, then part of Mary is present in Holy Eucharist. What about Joseph? Kind of. Joseph’s seed was transformed by Mary’s atonement sacrifice, yielding the man’s seed the flawless seed of God The Father. Make up your own minds on that one.


Back to Saint Thomas: All scientific discovery has been based on his work. Isaac Newton, who wrote far more theology that he did physics, was fascinated by the discovery of Aquinas, taken from Aquinas’ instructor, Saint Albert:


  1. Motion began at some point.
  2. Once set in motion an object tends to remain in motion.
  3. An impetus is required to initiate motion.
  4. External interference is required to stop motion.



Without those great conclusions, Newtonian physics would not have been. Based on the above, Newton postulated that it was the momentum of an object in motion that dictated the ((mass) x ((distance) / (time))) necessary to stop the moving object. He then knew that momentum was related to mass and velocity. Experimental evidence proved that ((momentum) = (mass) x (velocity)). (momentum) = ((force) x (time)). Then, if we divide both sides of the momentum equation by (time) we get Newton’s famous equation, ((force = (mass) x (acceleration)), which is the basis for Newtonian physics.


All of that originated in the simple conclusion made by Saint Albert originally, that the world was Created by God! So, Creation had to have occurred at some specific time. At that moment, motion was initiated, and is perpetuated until at least the present, because the heavenly bodies can be observed to be in motion. Devoid of the Theory of Creation, modern science and the industrial revolution would be impossible.


Today we have smart-mouthed academic types pushing scientism like a drug. Scientism is a faith-based belief system that elevates those who have academic credentials to the supreme and immutable throne of truth. Of course, this cannot be done based on factual information. It must be done on faith alone!


It once was that the inexplicable was relegated to religion, but that had limitations placed on the use of the human reproductive system. This most intolerable element of religion would vanish if only to postulate the existence of invisible things that were also inanimate. Dark energy, dark matter, mysterious fundamental forces and particles; all invisible and beyond any ability to prove the existence of; have been postulated as an explanation for what man fails to understand.


But without God Almighty, mankind can discover nothing more. Every discovery since the 1970s is only a rehash of previous discoveries. Ludwig Wittgenstein postulated that all discovery is a rehash of previously discovered things. That there is nothing new; inspiration is merely an illusion.


When man looks to God, all things can be understood. Without love, life is without purpose. God Almighty is the Immutable Source of all Love. He wants to be close to His children—US! He will use any legitimate means to overlook our sins. The primary means employed by God to remain close to His children is The Perfect Living Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


Without The Roman Catholic Church, people would still be practicing astrology! It use to be, before Saint Augustine proved astrology incorrect, that astronomers worked for astrologers. The astronomers observed and charted the heavenly bodies quite carefully, and then the astrologers evaluated the charts to predict future astronomical events. Astronomers inherited star charts from astrologers when the latter became feeble from age. Some astrologers had a thousand years of star charts. It was something of a pedigree.


When an event worthy of note was to occur at night, when it would be visible to the common people, the astrologer would predict the event much to the astonishment of the people. Therefore, having secret knowledge of the heavens, astrologers were believed to possess mystical powers. The astrologers preyed upon the people, raking in fees to predict all matter of things.


But they made the predictions such that the manifestation was very common, or it was very vague. “Someone among your blood lineage will die in war,” or, “The odd mark on the wall signifies a child lost at birth!” You can’t really go wrong with those, because they can refer to almost anything or anyone.


So, we have Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Albert and The Roman Catholic Church to thank for discrediting astrology, and for the invention of the suspension bridge, transistor, microprocessor, computer, cell phone, electrical power generation, astronomy, modern medicine, the U.S. Constitution, free-market economics, the greatest beauty wrought by the hand of man, and many other inventions our world could not do without.


In fact, there is mathematics even beyond college algebra. Most people believe that mathematics is utterly useless. These are the people who thought to themselves, ‘I’ll never use this in real life,’ and they were true to that!


Shameless political plug: They’re the ones who believe government can actually supply quality health-care to everyone when no one before it could. I have a great idea! If government can make everything better, let’s have government give everyone $10,000.00, or a new car, or a house! If government can actually provide better health-care for everyone, it can produce wealth from nothing! Then, if we trust everything to government, we should get utopia!


The alternative postulate reads: government cannot produce wealth from nothing. Therefore, it also cannot produce quality health-care for everyone, when no one else can do it. Those are the two possible postulates. Either government can work magic, or it can’t!


I’m no walking computer! I use common sense, and material given to me by MasonCide. It just doesn’t make sense that government can do things better just because it’s the government. I had to slip that in somewhere. End shameless political plug.


Interestingly enough, Roman Emperor, Constantine The Great, was born of a virgin who knew only suffering but not the man’s pleasure. Her husband married her and then went to Rome on official government business. He did not return home until after Helena gave birth to Constantine. This similarity to the conception of Christ has led many to speculate whether Constantine was The Second Coming of Christ.


OK, my blog has the greatest discovery of all time. Top that, you nar-do-wells! Immortality and Absolute Power! What could be better!? Those are the sincere desires of the human heart. Everyone wants to do what they want, when they want, how they want, for the duration they choose; and to be able to do anything, travel anywhere in the Universe, explore stellar cores, remove all limitations on intellect, athleticism, talent and achievement!


Some people might say, “I’d rather have a working remote for the television. Is immortality and whatever the other thing was going to get me a new remote?”


Others might say, “People keep breaking into my house and replacing everything with exact duplicates. Can you make them stop? But not today! I’m listening to a bass-fishing tournament on the radio. There’s an AM receiver in one of my dental restorations. They put it there without telling me, but I showed them!”


The Lord God Almighty is like a father who had a son. On his fourteenth birthday his father gave him a Visa Card. He said, “You can charge whatever you require. But, remain within the limits I have set for you.”


The son said, “Thank you, father,” and promptly ran to his bedroom where he kept the latest copy of Cycle World magazine. He opened to the latest track-tests for 250cc motocross bikes. Now that was power! If he had one of those he would have the love of all the prettiest girls and the admiration of men for his fearless and skillful performances.


There was only one thing to do: go to the cycle shop and get one with his new Visa Card!


The son tracked down his father’s driver. “Rick, could you take me somewhere?”


“It depends where. What did you have in mind?”


“I want to look at motocross bikes.”


“You just did that last weekend. If you do it too much it’ll lose its charm.”




“Alright, Squirt. I’ll pull the car around.”


“I’m not a squirt! I’m fourteen!”


“What am I going to call you then?”


“I don’t know. I didn’t think about that.”


“OK, Squirt.”


Rick picked up the son at the front door and they drove off. Now the driver was a most trusted employee. The son walked into the showroom, and they recognized him and called him by name. He thought, ‘Everyone knows my father, so why not me?’


Rick said, “Are you sure you want to do this?”


“Do what?”


“OK, Squirt, have it your way.”


I was in the salesman’s cubey when I heard rick tell one of the other salesmen, “I’d rather push a Harley than ride a rice-burner! Harleys are made of solid chunks of iron and are carved into a motorcycle by men with arms of steel! Jap bikes are made by women!”


The salesman said, “Then you’re here with someone else?”


“Quite right.”


Ten minutes had passed; now fifteen. The son wanted power, and there was nothing that was going to stop him! He thought, ‘My father will be proud of me for taking initiative!’ But his conscience said otherwise. The salesman returned and explained that the son’s Visa Card transaction was not approved.


“WHY?,” he cried!


“Perhaps it’s your credit limit.”


Depressed and dejected, the son walked over to his driver.


“What happened, Squirt?”


“Something about a credit limit.”


“Do you know what that is?”




“A credit limit …”


“How would I know?,” he said, and, “Let’s go to another cycle shop!”


“Squirt, you need to talk to your father.”


The son knew something was wrong. He ran into his father in the house. “Son, is there anything you want to talk to me about?”


The son said, “I can’t think of anything.”


“Go and sit in my study, don’t touch anything, and don’t leave until I get there.” There was such an air of authority in his father’s voice! About a half hour later his father came into the study. “Have you thought of anything you wish to tell me?”


“I tried to buy a motorcycle today.”


“How did you think I would feel about that?”


“After you saw all the girls fawning over me, I thought you’d approve!”


“Be honest.”


“OK, I went behind your back, because I knew you wouldn’t allow it. I’m sorry. I promise not to do it again. Do you forgive me?”


“Of course I forgive you, son! Is there anything else you wonder about?”


“What’s a credit limit?”


“My son, I never intended that you learn about such a thing. I always wished you could remain within the limitations I set for you. If you agree to do that you’ll never encounter another credit limit.”


The son said, “I promise!”


His father messed up the son’s hair a little and gave him a scoot out of the study. He ran off to call his classmate.




Mary knew who it was. “Hi, what’s going on?”


“Have you ever heard of a credit limit?”


“No! It sounds terrible! Where did you ever hear of such a thing!?”


“Just forget it. My dad gave me my first Visa Card for my birthday.”


“Maybe it has something to do with that.”


Yeah, maybe. OK, I’m going to go.”


“OK, I hope you find the knowledge you’re seeking. Bye …”


Four years passed. It was the son’s eighteenth birthday. He awoke at 6:00 am. On his way past the stairway he glimpsed a Honda CR250 sitting right next to the fountain. He thought,


‘Should I pee before I look at it? Nah, I can hold it. Oops, someone cracked my mother’s marble floor with the motorbike! It wasn’t me! OH NO! There’s no key!’


I always wanted that bike. It’s finally mine! I ran up to Rick’s room and banged on the door.


“C’mon in, Squirt,” said Rick.


He was doing Tai Chi. “You have to come look at my birthday present! But there’s no key! And now you have to call me, motocross god!”


“Not so fast! Your father gave me the day off to teach you how to ride.”


“Why doesn’t he teach me himself?”


“Why do you think?”


“Because he doesn’t care!”


“W-r-o-n-g! When your father turns his face away from you it’s because he can’t bear to see you get hurt. That’s where I come in. If you dump a few times, I’ll just rub a little more dirt on ya! After you get the hang of riding, I’ll make a report and leave out the details. Your father will be happy. I’ll be happy. And you’ll be happy.


“That’s just the way things work.”


Rick was kind of like a Guardian Angel. I was placed in his charge, and he wasn’t going let me quit until I got it right! I ran into my father on the way back down the stairs.


“Thank you! Thank you!”


“For what?”


“For the great motorbike . . .”


“My son, that bike was yours the moment I knew you wanted it. But I had to wait until you were ready for such power.”

< < < * * * > > >

The boy’s father is like God The Father. He wants to give each of his sons everything a son could wish for! He wants to give each of His daughters in marriage to a man who can give her what she requires. But in both cases—the sons and the daughters—God desires to preserve the soul of the individual.


Male genetic programming drives exploration, adventure, conquest, education and plying a profession. In these the male is perfected. But the male attempts to conceive offspring to his ruin, because children cannot be conceived in the lower digestive tract.


Sodomy is the most effective means of disease transmission. Therefore, those males who use the exit as an entrance take into their bodies the punishment for wickedness as a fatal disease. In this way the world is purged of what is unseemly.


Female genetic programming drives relationship, love, marriage, childbearing and domestic management! The female attempts gender-specific male pursuits to her ruin. Recent history has witnessed installation of women’s rest facilities at all locations that provide men’s facilities. But outside of that, females can get nasty infections that masculine males are immune to.


The situation arises that God Created the female with a much shorter urethra than the male, and the necessity for seated female urination. Masculine males seldom contract UTIs unless they are secondary to some other ailment.


Women are vulnerable to UTIs, simply because the bacteria don’t have as long a trip to the infection site. Females are also intolerant to bad weather, because the woman has a comfort range of 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit.


Males have a 20.0 degree comfort range, so they don’t even notice what the female finds almost unbearable. In the Antarctic the weather in Spring is 60 below zero with 80 MPH winds. But there are people who work under these conditions—all male! If a female attempted to function under those conditions she would probably die!


So, the female conceives offspring to her ultimate fulfillment, because that is the natural female function. The natural male function is to inseminate the fertile female uterus; a task he enjoys. The female is not visually stimulated, because she naturally bonds to the man who releases her blood sacrifice of innocence and who teaches the virgin her natural, genetically programmed share in the Pain of Atonement of God The Son.


The female requires use of the man’s masculine endowment about once per 22 months. One male is more than adequate for the task. The male is visually stimulated, because the man naturally hunts everywhere for fresh virgin mating stock. It’s not because guys are pigs. It’s genetic programming!


The man is prepared to fulfill his natural function at any time of the day or night should the need arise. But after the woman conceives she cannot become more pregnant. However, the male can successfully inseminate many virgins. So the man requires only visual contact to evaluate the reproductive and infant-feeding potential of prospective mates. That’s also why virtually no divorced females remarry, but divorced males nearly always remarry.


It’s usually a let down for the woman. She was so sure that all of her problems were his fault. She was also 100% sure that he would regret losing her. But he didn’t. He counted it a blessing from God, because he got rid of the older woman and got a nineteen-year-old virgin instead. His children love their new mom, because she’s close to their age!


Now the new wife is pregnant by the father of the old wife’s children, and it doesn’t bother him a bit! It’s like he wanted a divorce just so he could find some professional bikini-contest contestant to nurse his babies on her large, firm, well-formed, pointed-up breasts!


Then, the divorce is his fault! And, magically, the husband is to blame for all of the old wife’s problems, again! But it doesn’t really matter, because a man is not going to miss a woman who rebelled against his God-Ordained Masculine Authority, started a war with him, and then blamed him for the consequences of decisions she made!


Justice is poetic. For every 30-40 something man who is divorced by his wife, there are at least eight perky, taut, fresh, slim, taut, tanned and toned virgins anxious to land a man who’s been accustomed to marriage. It’s sort of like a horse that’s been broken. Girls in the late teens to early twenties are tapped-in to a magnificent resource of experienced males who stay home at night and get them pregnant!


However, a man who is serious about providing for the innate female need for security and commitment universally seeks females who have not had some other guy inside them. A man unconcerned for the woman’s requirements is content to use her as a barren receptacle to sate his primal urge, and he doesn’t really care how many Marines have landed there previously.


Men in their late teens to early twenties behave so poorly in social situations it’s a wonder any female would involve herself. Therefore, the female ought protect her choicest bridal adornment until her wedding night, at which time she may lay supine and surrender it to the man in the position of conquest.


That means no rough sports. I see sodomites posing as eligible females online, flippantly dismissing the loss of their bridal adornment to a sports injury or accident, in hopes that impressionable female youth will sense the nonchalant attitude and believe that a hymen rupture before a girl’s wedding night is no big deal.


When each of those sodomites is laying in a hospital bed dying of terminal illness, they will be visited with the punishment for their sin. Life will slip away as Truth can no longer be ignored: destroying the beauty of innocence does not actually absolve sodomites of guilt for their abominations. It just feels good to the wicked when they can destroy beauty that once revealed their ugliness by stark contrast.


Painting the world vomit-camouflage relieves one’s self of cleaning up his own puke! Everyone can vomit where they please. If you can’t see it, it isn’t there! But others must then put up with the vile stench. It’s better to have a beautiful world where puke is plainly visible, so the mess can get cleaned up rather than consume the world.


Similarly, abominable use of the human reproductive system should be clearly understood as such, so the problem can be addressed. The cure for gay is: here.


I’m FragileSwan. And this has been WordPress.